
Get any data you need for your daily work from the web.


The WEB is the largest source of information ever created. But the information is not structured and is often found in dynamic pages created by means of database access. The WEB is currently set up in such a manner that the information can be read by people. It is however difficult to obtain the information in such a way that it can be automatically processed further.

The Web Extraction Service now enables you to access this information directly and to structure it in such a way that it can be integrated into your own database. Information such as address data, price lists, images, news, publications, etc… can easily be extracted and integrated into your in-house information system. Simply put, you can collect all the information you're interested in and transform it into the format you require.

Advantages of our Web Integration Web Extraction Service

Cinema time table

For a customer a daily ciname time table was created.

A lot of cinemas, especially the small ones, publish their time table on their website, each cinema in it own format. The task was, to extract all relevant information concerning the film which are scheduled in this cinema for the upcoming days. The larger cinemas deliver the already the data in a structured format, for the small cinemas it was necessary to scrape their websites.

So the data of approx. 100 cinemas is extracted an structured, so an overall time table for all films running in Austrian cinemas can be provided.

Airline flight price monitoring

For a regional airline daily accurate flight prices of the competitors are monitored.

To achieve is, the prices for specific departure times (1 day, 2 days, one week, … ahead) (flight numbers) are scraped.

By these data the airline can calculate competitive prices for their still available seats.

For more information you can request a free trial.